unlocking success, one child at a time.

Help us grow to meet the needs of struggling learners. 

If you would like to help us provide life-changing literacy skills for struggling readers and learners in the Baldwin County area, we welcome your donation.

Give the Gift of Literacy

Financial support from foundations, corporations, organizations, and individuals allows Dyslexia Services of Baldwin County, AL (formerly Children’s Literacy Services) to maintain and expand our dyslexia and literacy programs to Baldwin County children in need of one-on-one instruction.

We help struggling students by:

  • Increasing community awareness and understanding of literacy issues
  • Offering affordable, accessible, accommodating and effective direct services
  • Training educators in specialized reading instruction

Did You Know?

15-20% of school aged children have reading problems. And for 90% of poor readers, early intervention tutoring can increase reading ability to an age appropriate level. One year of phonics intervention resulted in increased left hemisphere neural activity in school-children. An fMRI has documented improved changes in pre and post images of brains in dyslexic adults who have undergone treatment for dyslexia.

10 million students
1 in 5 American students struggle with reading.

An estimated 10 million American students struggle with reading—about one in five. An estimated 80% of these struggling readers are dyslexic.

Children do not outgrow poor reading.

74% of poor readers in 3rd grade are still poor readers in 9th grade.

The gap widens over time…

Of struggling readers are diagnosed dyslexic.

Between 70% and 85% of kids that are enrolled in special education for a learning disability have dyslexia.

More Sobering Statistics

The high school dropout rate for kids with reading problems is 41% – 62%. (Source: Reading Ally)

85% of juvenile offenders have a reading difficulty.

Alabama overall72%
National Assessment of Educational Progress Scores 2022

72% of Alabama’s 4th graders score below proficient in reading. Nationally, the figure is 65%. In Alabama, 87% of African-American 4th graders are below proficient and 83% of Hispanic 4th grade students are below reading proficiency.

Source: NAEP The Nation’s Report Card

Literacy affects finances and socio-economic.

The lack of reading proficiency is a key reason why an estimated 8,000 students drop out each day—limiting their financial potential and ability to compete in the workforce.

Literacy affects overall health outcomes.

Literacy is a social determinant of health, affecting overall health outcomes, including anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and other mental health issues.


American Dyslexia Association The International Dyslexia Association The Dyslexia Center The Dyslexia Foundation The Child Mind Institute https://www.dyslexiacenterofutah.org/Statistics https://austinlearningsolutions.com/blog/38-dyslexia-facts-and-statistics https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-dyslexia https://dyslexia.yale.edu/dyslexia/dyslexia-faq/

The most valuable gift is the one you cannot wrap… give the gift of reading.

Invest in Baldwin County’s Future Readers